Source Connect: EdCunninghamVO
Sennheiser 416 Microphone
Scarlet Focusrite 2i2 preamp
Whisper Room in Guest House
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For the past 25+ years,
Ed's been voicing hundreds
of radio and tv spots,
narrating documentaries and
reality tv shows, recording
trailers and promos, creating
video game characters,
producing podcasts,
looping for film and tv,
and explaining all kinds
of corporate stuff to all
kinds of corporate people.
He works out of his
guest house recording
studio in Los Angeles.

Contact directly, or contact an agent.
elkbelly@gmail.com 818-427-4296 cell
L.A. - VOX, Inc.
Tom Lawless
Micaela Hicks
tel: 323-655-8699
Chicago - NV Talent
Debby Kotzen
tel: 312-563-0136
Asheville - ASP Talent
Suzanne Spaziani
tel: 323-230-8200